How I Achieve Inbox Zero Every Day

How I Achieve Inbox Zero Every Day | Melissa Swink & Co

By popular request, I’m revealing the exact process I use to clear my inbox every day! Most entrepreneurs and professionals I know are drowning in email overload, so they usually look at me with fascination when I say I don’t have this problem. To watch my video on this topic, click here.

To achieve inbox zero consistently, follow these simple steps below. (Note: I adapted this from the “Getting Things Done Workbook” by David Allen.)

1. Reduce the overall amount of email coming in. Trimming your inbox down to a manageable size is crucial! Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Unsubscribe from communications you don’t read, including notifications you don’t need to take action on.

  • Redirect messages that can be handled by other members of your team. This could involve creating additional email accounts that are managed by others (Ex: You can create a “Support at” email for all customer service inquiries and assign the management of that inbox to others on your team.)

2. Twice a day, go through your messages. I do not recommend keeping your inbox open all day for the sake of your productivity and focus. When you intentionally open your inbox to go through emails, follow these rules of thumb for each action item:

  • If you can complete it 3 minutes or less, do it right away.

  • If it will take more than 3 minutes, add it to your project management system (or to-do list) and assign a deadline. Better yet – assign it to someone else on your team if you can!  

Bonus Tip: My team uses Voxer to send voice messages. It’s quicker than typing, and reduces our internal emails and meetings.

Overflowing inboxes are just one symptom of having a full plate. If you know that you need to reexamine where you’re spending your time in your business, email me directly at I’d be happy to help you identify three shifts you can make to maximize your time and scale your business!

Lastly, if you know a business owner who is drowning in email (hint…that’s probably everyone you know), please share this information with them.


I am an Associate Creative Director with 10+ years of industry experience in Boston, Los Angeles and Seattle. In that time, I have led the digital vision on numerous high-profile projects. Enter my site and you'll see some of those projects yourself!

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